Request for Proposals – DDRB Strategic Plan

Submissions are due by 3:00PM CST on October 3, 2023.

Questions and answers are publicly posted below the RFP.

Strategic Plan RFP 2023

Questions and Answers Are Publicly posted here:

1-Have investments (processes, data collection, etc.)  been made in the evaluation of past strategies?

The current strategic plan has been in place for several years.  Goals have been established and reported on at least annually. A professional was used to create the current plan and reporting mechanism.  The DDRB is focused on the most efficient method of data collection that will allow us to continue being a leader in our field.

2-Orgnaizations across the US are now working to address historical inequities, particularly in planning processes,  and are pursuing strategies that incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).   Can you share any background on work that has been done to date in this area?  Is this an area of interest?

The DDRB has an active DEI plan and committee which is charged with plan implementation and evaluation.  This is an area of interest.

3-Finally, a budget range was not revealed in your RFP.  We are wondering if you have a range that you are willing to share.  Examples of why can be found in our questions…we bring evaluation and DEI to literally every engagement.  The level of which really depends on the budget of an organization.  We appreciate knowing in advance how we might design an engagement that meets your needs.

It is not our practice to publish a budget range for RFPs.

4-This aligns with our service offerings and expertise in working with nonprofits and facilitating these input sessions. Is the organization open to working with an out-of-state contractor on this?

The DDRB is open to reviewing any proposals received.