STEP 1 – Determine Eligibility 

To determine if you or your family member is eligible to receive services contact the Intake Department of:

St. Louis Regional Office
Missouri Department of Mental Health
111 N. 7th St., 6th Floor
St. Louis, MO 63101
Phone: 314.244.8800
Fax: 314.244.8804

STEP 2 – Choose Your Service Provider 

Once you are determined eligible for services you will be assigned a case manager. At that point, St. Charles County residents 16 years of age and older with active Medicaid are given a choice between case management services through St. Louis Regional Office or Developmental Disabilities Resource Board of St. Charles County (DDRB).  In addition, those of the transition age of 16 -17, regardless of Medicaid status, can request DDRB for their case management services until age 18 when Medicaid eligibility can be determined.

The difference between case management providers is that DDRB case manager caseloads have a cap of 30 individuals per case manager.

Case Management Brochure

Depending on your choice of case management services your case manager will be located at one of the following offices:

Option 1: St. Louis Regional Office – St. Charles Office

mental-health-1Missouri Department of Mental Health
119 Olympic
St. Peters, MO 63376
Phone 636-926-1200
Fax: 636-926-1220


Option 2: Developmental Disabilities Resource Board Of St. Charles County

logo1025 Country Club Road
St. Charles, MO 63303
Phone Number: 636-939-3351
Fax Number: 636-939-3988