Receive assistance with rent and other household expenses
The DDRB provides funds to assist individuals with developmental disabilities and families with a child with a developmental disability to prevent homelessness or displacement. The availability of these resources will allow individuals and families with developmental disabilities to receive assistance with rent and utility deposits; rent and mortgage payments; utility payments, moving expenses and other expenses to establish a household unit. Individuals and families will be connected to other local community services and resources to help sustain their independence. This program is designed to provide emergency/temporary assistance and not yearly ongoing assistance.
Program Application FormEligibility
Individuals must be eligible for services through the Department of Mental Health and a current resident of St. Charles County. Individuals and families must meet the annual income guidelines according to the AMI (Average Median Family Income) for St. Charles County. Individuals and family cannot have annual household income above 50% of the AMI with allowances for each family member.
- Applications are submitted by the DDRB case manager, DMH service coordinator, or DDRB designated agency.
- Supporting documentation, outlined in the Application Instruction sheet, must be included with the application.
- All payments will be made directly to the vendor and not the individual applying for funds.
- Individuals and families are eligible for a maximum of $2,000 a year starting July 1 and ending June 30 each year. Each individual/family has a lifetime maximum of $6,000.
- Action items and referrals are required for future eligibility of the program. Individuals and families are referred to community resources to meet ongoing support needs. (Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) for employment services, Case management services, Northeast Community Action Corporation (NECAC), Independent living services, etc.)
Reference Forms:
Emergency Housing Assistance Program policy and Instruction Sheet
Emergency Housing Assistance Program Application
AMI (Average Median Family Income) Reference Sheet