Q. What type of programs do you offer?

A. The DDRB provides case management services to individuals with developmental disabilities aged 17 and over. The DDRB provides funding to agencies that offer programs and services. Those agencies and their programs can be found by clicking the “Funded Agencies” tab and also our annual Funding Bulletin under the “Reports” tab.

Q. Are there recreational opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities?

A. Yes, the DDRB Resource Directory under the “Resources” tab is searchable by age and type of service to help narrow your search.

Q. How do I get a case manager?

A. You must be deemed eligible through the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities by meeting specific eligibility criteria. The criteria and contact information can be found under the “Case Management” tab.

Q. I’m moving to the St. Charles area. How do I get case management there?

A. You will need to notify your current case manager of your intended move and request your case be transferred to the St. Charles County office.

Q. How can I switch to DDRB case management?

A. If you are aged 17 and over you can request a choice form from the DDRB office at 636-939-3351. Individuals are given this choice annually at their plan meeting; however individuals can choose DDRB as their case management provider at any time.

Q. How long does it take to get the services I’ve requested?

A. Requests must go through an approval process and can take up to four weeks from the time the request is submitted.

Q. How do I apply for Social Security Benefits?

A. Visit www.ssa.gov/disabilityssi for information specific to your circumstances.

Q. How do I apply for Medicaid?

A. Visit www.medicaid-guide.org for information specific to your circumstances.

Q. Is transportation provided to get to programs?

A. Generally, no. St. Charles County has no county-wide public transportation service. Some programs may offer transportation; however you will need to confirm this with the agency providing the program.

Q. Is there a list of frequently used abbreviations and acronyms?

A. A glossary of frequently used terms and abbreviations can be found in the Planning Guides Section under the “Resources” tab.