Two bills, HB 1900 and HB 1563, aren’t included because initially they weren’t related to disability. At the end of the legislative session several disability-related bills (HB 1436, HB 1413, HB 1432, HB 1794, HB 1886, HB 1738, and SB 854) were rolled in to HB 1900. HB 1900 was vetoed by the Governor for constitutional reasons. HB 1563 includes legislation related to the provisional licensure of applied behavior analysts. The Governor signed this bill
The summaries are prepared by the Research Staff
of the Missouri House of Representatives and are used
with permission by:
Office of Administration,
PO Box 1668
Jefferson City, MO 65102
800-877-8249 (Voice/TTY)
573-526-4109 (Fax)
Note: When “incapacitated,” “handicapped,”
appear in a bill description, it reflects the
terminology of the legislation, not the Governor’s
Council on Disability.