Author Archives: DDRB
FY2020 Agency Kick-Off Training
The DDRB is providing two opportunities to attend its FY2020 Application for Funds Kick-Off Training. [...]
Finance Committee Meeting Notice 12-04-18
The DDRB has scheduled a Finance Committee meeting for Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 3:00 [...]
Direct Support Awards Rescheduled
The St. Charles County Coalition of Service Providers is pleased to announce that the annual [...]
New Social Programs for Children and Youth
The DDRB is funding two new social programs through Easterseals Midwest. PEERS Social Skills Group [...]
Program Committee Notice for 10-04-18
The DDRB has scheduled a Program Committee Meeting for Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 5:00 [...]
Direct Support Professional Nominations Due Sept 30
Recipients of these awards are people who provide direct support to individuals with developmental disabilities [...]
Administrative Assistant Job Opening
The DDRB is seeking an Administrative Assistant to provide support to the DDRB Case Management [...]
Program Committee Notice 09-06-18
The DDRB has scheduled a Program Committee Meeting beginning at 5:00 PM on Thursday, September [...]
DDRB FY2019 Funding Edition Now Available
The FY19 Funding Edition provides a break-out, by agency, describing each program funded by the [...]