DDRB Draft Strategic Plan Released for Comment

Attached is a copy of the Draft DDRB Strategic Plan created by the Strategic Planning Steering Committee.

Please review and submit your comments and feedback as soon as possible, but no later than March 28.

Comments can be submitted to Bill Welsch at wmwel@embarqmail.com or me at pcapo@ddrb.org.

This plan is purposefully created to be dynamic ? allowing the DDRB to review and update strategies more frequently than in traditional strategic planning processes. The ?Big Questions? frame the evolution of the board?s strategies.

For more information on this strategic planning approach, you can read The Nonprofit Strategy Revolution: Real-Time Strategic Planning in a Rapid-Response World by David La Piana.

You are our partner and, as such, your input is critical to this process.


Peg Capo,
Executive Director